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About Us

Abbe Edwards BA MChiro

GCC Registered Doctor of Chiropractic

Abbe believes in helping the body to maintain its own health by removing impediments and restoring natural balance. Abbe uses chiropractic coupled with exercise and lifestyle advice to help patients achieve the best possible health. Abbe initially graduated with a BA in Business Administration and worked for many years as a massage therapist helping people recover from a wide range of injuries, before graduating with a first class honours Master of Chiropractic from McTimoney College of Chiropractic.  As well as being the owner of ChiroWorks Cambridge Abbe has previously worked as an associate chiropractor before deciding to focus full time on ChiroWorks. 

Outside of treating people Abbe has a wide range of interests, including yoga, which she has studied for many years, CaniCross, and salsa dancing, Abbe is a UKA qualified dance teacher and has previously taught and performed salsa both in the UK and internationally.

Techniques used:

  • ArthroStim® Instrument Adjusting
  • McTimoney Chiropractic
  • Diversified Chiropractic
  • Soft Tissue Release (STR)
  • Myofascial Release (MFR)

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